Bogdan Pavlovic, Serbia / France
Born in Belgrade, Bogdan Pavlovic graduated from the Fine Art School (MFA), and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
The work of Bogdan Pavlovic rests on an investigation of the image which doesn’t cease to provoke all of the existing realities. Initially, it is a photographic image that inspires Pavlovic. Photographs illustrating a moment in History or scenes and atmosphere of everyday life. Pavlovic uses various visual media of expression. Motion and pulsations are a feature permeating all his works. A member of the prominent artistic community of La Ruche - Cite d'Artistes, Bogdan has an extensive record of exhibitions and awards, including Artistes du Monde Award and Huré-Bastendorf Award from Institut de France. |