Ewa Bobrowska, Poland / France
Ewa Bobrowska (Ph.D. University of Paris–Panthéon–Sorbonne), art historian and psychologist, is a specialist of nineteenth– and twentieth–century art with particular emphasis on Polish artists abroad, especially in France, and Polish art in an international context. Currently Associate Program Officer of Research at the Terra Foundation for American Art in Paris, she was previously chief curator of the art collection of the Bibliothèque Polonaise in Paris. Her doctoral dissertation, Les artistes polonais en France 1890–1918 : Communautés et individualités was published in Polish in 2004. She has curated numerous exhibitions in France and in Poland. Her interest in women artists led her to co-curate (2014/2015) a retrospective exhibition of Olga Boznańska at the National Museums in Krakow and Warsaw. She served in 2011 as co-curator of the exhibition Polonia. Les Polonais en France de 1830 à nos jours at the Cité national de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris. She has published, among other works: Les artistes venues de l’Est, in: Pionnières. Artistes dans le Paris des années folles, ed. Camille Morineau et Lucia Pesapane, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais, Paris 2022, Les Polonaises s’organisent : les premières expositions de femmes artistes polonaises au tournant du XXe siècle, Artl@s Bulletin, v. 8, n°1, spring 2019; Gorączka Paryża: artyści polscy wobec legendy ville-lumière (The Paris Fever: Polish Artists and the Legend of Ville lumière), in Między Montmartre’em a Montparnasse’em. Dzieła artystów polskich działających w Paryżu w latach 1900–1939 z kolekcji prywatnych (Between Montmartre and Montparnasse. The works of Polish artists active in Paris in 1900-1939), Museum of Silesia, Katowice, 2017; Francuskie relacje braci Hirszenbergów – próba uporządkowania danych/French Relations of the Brothers Hirszenberg – an Attempt to Organize the Data, in Bracia Hirszenbergowie. W poszukiwaniu ziemi obiecanej/Hirszenberg Brothers. In Search of the Promised Land, Łódź – Warsaw, 2017; Polish Artists in Paris, 1890–1914: Between International Modernity and National Identity, in Foreign Artists and Communities in Modern Paris, 1870-1914 (Ashgate 2015); ‘La grande Boznańska’: connue, méconnue, redécouverte?, „Annales du Centre Scientifique de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences”, 2015; Simon Mondzain, Warsaw 2012 (co-author); Emancypantki? Artystki polskie na scenie artystycznej Paryża w XX wieku (Emancipated? Polish women artists on the artistic scene of Paris in the 20th century, „Archiwum Emigracji”, 2012; Portret « szalonych lat »: Mela Muter na międzynarodowej scenie artystycznej Paryża, in Mela Muter. Malarstwo. Peinture, Toruń 2010; La présence des artistes polonais en France – état des lieux de la recherche, „Ligeia”, 2009. She is a member of editorial staff of Archiwum Emigracji (The Archives of Polish and East European Emigration, a revue published by the University Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun).
Photo: Woytek Konarzewski