You are invited to the annual Paris Lit Up magazine launch!
June 17-19, 2022
Atelier 11 Cité Falguière, 75015 Paris
We are pleased to welcome you to the Atelier 11 for a series of artistic and literary activities curated by Paris Lit Up (PLU).
L’AiR Arts' friendship with PLU goes back to the pre-COVID times, with Paris Lit Up’s talented team co-organizing a series of literary events as part of L'AiR Arts multidisciplinary residency program.
Please explore the events below to find something you might like: a guided Surrealist tour, an exhibition, a collage, prose or poetry workshop, or screenings, just to name a few.
Please note this is a ticketed event. Your contributions will help support the historical place and the work of both Associations.
June 17-19, 2022
Atelier 11 Cité Falguière, 75015 Paris
We are pleased to welcome you to the Atelier 11 for a series of artistic and literary activities curated by Paris Lit Up (PLU).
L’AiR Arts' friendship with PLU goes back to the pre-COVID times, with Paris Lit Up’s talented team co-organizing a series of literary events as part of L'AiR Arts multidisciplinary residency program.
Please explore the events below to find something you might like: a guided Surrealist tour, an exhibition, a collage, prose or poetry workshop, or screenings, just to name a few.
Please note this is a ticketed event. Your contributions will help support the historical place and the work of both Associations.
Friday, 17th June
Vernissage, Screening and Interviews
This event will officially begin the launch weekend of PLU 9. We will open the group exhibition of the art contributors’ work, watch a light-table performance by our cover artist Alison Grace Koehler, follow by a few readings, open studio and a roundtable with artists. Food and drinks will be served.
Saturday, 18th June
Surrealist Visit of Montparnasse
The area is rich in cultural history. Ed Bell, President of Paris Lit Up, will lead a tour that will take in the places writers and artists lived and created in the 1920s. You are encouraged to bring a pen and paper for an additional Dada twist…
Collage workshop
Come and let your creative juices flow with cardboard, newspaper and glue. Selma Cheurfi, intercultural mediator and Kurt Schwitters devotee, will walk you through the process of collage creation that she developed at the Sorbonne University.
Writing Workshop
PLU has been offering writing workshops for 10 years. As part of the larger PLU celebrations, join us for a collaborative creative writing workshop with editors Ella Bartlett and Matt Jones. Come with your pens and notebooks ready to boogie, swing, slide, swoon and play with sound. Genres: prose and poetry. No previous writing experience necessary!
Magazine Launch
The official event to welcome to the world the PLU 9 Magazine. You will have a chance to meet the PLU team, listen to and watch some amazing performers, and also, of course, buy your very own copy. PLU 8 will also be on sale. Food and drink ‘prix libre’.
Sunday, 19th June
Survivors Workshop
Emily Ruck Keene will be hosting an up-cycling workshop. A chance to catch up, hang out and kick back under the pretext of creating art.
Thank You Brunch
This final event will either take place at ‘Aux Artistes’ or at some other location provided by a catering team. More details to be confirmed, but it will be a final chance to meet the team, and buy the magazine.
Vernissage, Screening and Interviews
This event will officially begin the launch weekend of PLU 9. We will open the group exhibition of the art contributors’ work, watch a light-table performance by our cover artist Alison Grace Koehler, follow by a few readings, open studio and a roundtable with artists. Food and drinks will be served.
Saturday, 18th June
Surrealist Visit of Montparnasse
The area is rich in cultural history. Ed Bell, President of Paris Lit Up, will lead a tour that will take in the places writers and artists lived and created in the 1920s. You are encouraged to bring a pen and paper for an additional Dada twist…
Collage workshop
Come and let your creative juices flow with cardboard, newspaper and glue. Selma Cheurfi, intercultural mediator and Kurt Schwitters devotee, will walk you through the process of collage creation that she developed at the Sorbonne University.
Writing Workshop
PLU has been offering writing workshops for 10 years. As part of the larger PLU celebrations, join us for a collaborative creative writing workshop with editors Ella Bartlett and Matt Jones. Come with your pens and notebooks ready to boogie, swing, slide, swoon and play with sound. Genres: prose and poetry. No previous writing experience necessary!
Magazine Launch
The official event to welcome to the world the PLU 9 Magazine. You will have a chance to meet the PLU team, listen to and watch some amazing performers, and also, of course, buy your very own copy. PLU 8 will also be on sale. Food and drink ‘prix libre’.
Sunday, 19th June
Survivors Workshop
Emily Ruck Keene will be hosting an up-cycling workshop. A chance to catch up, hang out and kick back under the pretext of creating art.
Thank You Brunch
This final event will either take place at ‘Aux Artistes’ or at some other location provided by a catering team. More details to be confirmed, but it will be a final chance to meet the team, and buy the magazine.